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I float in the delicious, dreamy, gestational creation state which is my true HOME and the birthing place of all that my MAGIC creates - the infinite energy jewels of stories which are also galaxies and universes which I bring through and birth. 


Each universe, each galaxy, each world, is a story that was created from the eternal creative chaos of stardust and magic impregnated by one pure inspiration, one pure truth. 


Gestated in the black hole of creative juice at the center of the ALL OF ALL, each story that is birthed out through a temporary aligning of forces and structures imposing order on that raw and wild beautiful chaos until it is born. Each one a divine infinite jewel of energy and color, precious and unique.


I invite you to come dance with me in my stories and poems and other words, all of which are teachings and sparks to awaken, enliven, and quicken your heart and spirit towards yourSELF and your awareness of you within The ALL OF ALL. Be inspired, get excited, cry, share, love.


I love you.

CBD Oil is Powerful Plant Medicine for Many of Our Challenges

(warning: per my usual style there are occasional fbombs inside! 😜)

If you’re here, then you know I am a geek obsessed with emerging science and research in many areas relevant to human thriving. You know I am also in love with plants and their deep potent medicine. You also know I believe we are sacred beings who must honor this fact by being careful and intentional with what we put in our bodies. What you probably do not know, is that my personal health journey includes a massive rescue by CBD plant medicine years ago when all else failed me.

So believe me when I say that I am OVER THE MOON excited to share my new partnership with Joy Organics to bring you the best quality CBD oil products currently on the market! I have spent months researching the market to find the one company that meets all my standards and expectations and now I am ready to share it with you! AND, as part of my partnership I am able to offer you a 15% discount on all their products! Holiday shopping: SOLVED! Just use the code melanie at checkout!!!

Obviously, you already know I'm no medical provider, so you should be checking out what you take, in any case, with your own medical folks. But I can tell you that CBD oil was a lifesaving part of my own complex disease journey several years ago. I was running a significant organization that I really loved, working on a major turn around, and also dealing with some brutal health symptoms that were messing up my capacity big time. Among these was pain.

And I mean PAIN. Round the clock, break your spirit and then crush you some more pain. My pain level was typically at an 8 or 9 out of 10. Nothing the MDs or NDs gave me helped. NSAIDs, Opiates, other prescription meds, all of it was a big fat BUPKIS.

Based on my own never-ending research, I found out about CBD oil, which at that time was only available as a marijuana-based product with super low THC so it wouldn’t cause altered states but might show up on a drug test and certainly was not legal outside the state I lived in where I was able to get a medical marijuana prescription.

I was desperate, so I tried it. And it F*CKING WORKED. I cried the first time. Really.

Now I have always been a massive plant medicine lover. But this really seemed miraculous to me. I went from an 8 or 9 pain to a very manageable 3 or 4 pain. I was back in action again while I continued my healing path.

I have since recommended CBD to many people for pain, for anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia, PMS, menopause, etc. REALLY! There are so many stories and preliminary studies in all these areas and more. It also has had remarkable effects for seizures. And many have found it helps pets deal with anxiety too. None of these are FDA approved statements and the research has lagged dramatically because of federal regulations but there are some promising pieces. I've linked in a bunch of articles at my site if you want to read more, just pop over there and scroll down.

But more recently I have stopped recommending it because it’s really the wild west out there in this market and there is so much shit being peddled it’s hard to discern at a glance what’s the real deal. And I began researching because I felt I absolutely must have a solid place to send my loved ones and clients to.

Joy Organics CBD all comes from certified organic hemp, a cousin to marijuana without the capacity to get you high (high is not for me, thanks, I'm not into getting altered). And furthermore, Joy Organics has crafted a manufacturing process allowing them to guarantee 100% THC free, so it's drug test safe as well. What a relief that is. It is legal in all 50 states in the US! Their manufacturing is 100% in the US and meets FDA pharmaceutical grade standards ensuring high consistency and quality in every purchase.

I choose Joy Organics for all the reasons I’ve mentioned above and also because it was founded by a woman and I really love to support women-owned businesses.

Did you know that even while the wage gap still lags between women and men, the entrepreneurial gap is GINORMOUS? Women entrepreneurs earn 0.25 to every male dollar. Seriously. Ugh, right? So by choosing to get CBD products from Joy Organics via me, you are supporting TWO women entrepreneurs and without a single penny difference in your price than if you went it alone.

I did find a couple of other companies I felt had solid products probably (I didn't test them directly) but they were all owned by a bunch of white guys. And, hey, I don't have a problem per se with white guys, I just want to see women start to level the playing field even by a few damn pennies...

If you are wondering where to start, consider the primary driver motivating you to try CBD. If the issue is one requiring fast action, like serious anxiety or pain or a muscle injury, you'll want a faster acting delivery method like the tincture (an oil based liquid (options are MCT oil or Extra VIrgin Olive Oil) you take from a dropper-hold in your mouth under your tongue for 30-60 seconds for best results), a topical salve (anywhere it hurts or proactively where it might hurt as you do some sort of activity).

For longer duration of effectiveness, I suggest the unique Joy Organics 10mg CBD softgels. These are amazing! These are made with a unique patent-pending nano process that gives you FOUR TIMES the absorption rate of oils/tinctures. This is an industry first as far as I can tell! GAME CHANGER for efficiency and convenience.

Because of the dramatically high absorption rate, you can take a lower amount for similar results as tinctures. I've heard people talk in general about a 40-100mg level of daily CBD for various issues, but with these people are getting results even with just one or two. So start with one and only up it if you're not getting what you want for results. Ping me at if you have questions or issues!!

I used capsules before, during my health clusterf*ck, but I knew they were way less effective, requiring me to use more (and spend more $$) but I needed the acceptable form of a capsule in the workplace and the tinctures back then were STINKY. Maybe that's because they were from marijuana strains (I had a medical marijuana prescription back then). So this new product, only available from Joy Organics makes me super happy! Especially for all the badass women I help through GROOVE for Gifted Women.

People are also reporting great results with the pet products as well, for pets with anxiety or older arthritic pets. Remember to use my special code, melanie, for 15%! as many times as you want! Just click here or on the image below! And the shipping is free too!

Please come back to tell me how it goes and what you think!!

And of course, I am still offering the free training for gifted women, it's reached thousands so far and I love hearing how much it helps! You can check it out too: GROOVE for Gifted Women.

And/or get going again with support from my free FB group The Giftedness Groove!

Love & Light,



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